
articles are words that are used to define whether something is specific or unspecific. e.g a, an ,the

Article can be Indefnite or Defnite

Indefinite               A , An

 In Arabic there is no letters for them. Instead                                 
they are represented by Tanween ( double da
mma at end of noun). ٌ

Definite The ال (al )

e.g. هَ'ذَا كِتاَبٌ This is a book

a book ( any book ) therefore there is a tanween on it as it is indefnite noun.

حَذَا بابٌ ( haza babun) This is a door

الّقَلَمُ قَدِيمٌ ( al-qalamu qademun) The pen is new.

here it is a specific pen being talked about rather than any pen, so the prefix al (الْ) is used.

الْكِتاَبُ جَدِيدٌ ( al- kitabu jadeedun ) The book is new 


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