Common Quranic words
الَّذِيْنَ _ of those
عَلَيْهِمْ _ to/on them
ذالِكَ _ That
لآ _ no/not
فِيْهِ _ in it
و _ and
بِماَ _ in what
اِلَيْكَ _ to you
ماَ _ what
مِنْ _ from
هُمْ — they
اُولاكَ _ those
'عَلى _ on
اِنَّ _ verily
ءَ _ whether
اَمْ _ or
ْلَم _ do not
مِنَ _ of
مَنْ _ who
اِلّاَ _ except
فِىْ _ in
لَهُمْ _ for them
اِذآ. _ when
اِنَّماَ _ only
نَحْنُ _ we
اَلاَ _ verily
اِنَّهُمْ _ they are
'وَلكِنْ. _ but
قِيْلَ _ it is said
كَمَا _ as
قَالُوْآ _ they say
اِنِّهُمْ _ they
اَنَّماَ _ only
فَهُم _ so they
اَو _ or
لِكْمْ _ for you
كُنْتُمْ _ you are
الَّتىِ _ whose
اَنَّ _ that