Memorising The Quran

How to Use the Subconscious Mind to Master Recitation

 The Innate Way Is The Only Way

Here is why: Speech is automatic which means that it happens at a subconscious level. This means that it cannot be controlled, which means that no amount of thinking is going to get you were you want to go. This is because the mechanisms involved are too many, too subtle and too fast to be controlled consciously. This is why using your conscious is generally useless, and why people who learn by trying to apply theory sound awkward, forced and extremely exaggerated.

So how do you use your subconscious mind that Allah created, the way you did with your mother tongue? This is how children learn to speak in the first place and why they perfect pronunciation no matter what environment they are brought up in, they perfect the pronunciation of the speech they are surrounded by, no matter how strange and difficult it may sound to foreigners.

  • Firstly, you need to understand that whatever you consciously focus on, is now on your conscious mind and therefore your subconscious cannot take over and do its work.
  • Secondly, you need to actually experience the sound i.e. hear and also see it being pronounced if possible in order for your subconscious to grasp the reality of that sound (did you know that the subconscious can pick up foreign accents just from lip-reading? This is an example of the amazing subleties the subconscious is able to pick up on). The more you can hear the better, i.e. immerse yourself in the sound/letter/pronunciation you want to pick up.
  • Thirdly, you need to let go and just copy.

The ONLY TRUE WAY you can possibly CAPTURE THE SOUND ACCURATELY is by LISTENING and COPYING (and not doing much else in between in terms of conscious thinking). By letting go of your conscious thoughts, and simply just listening to the sound and then copying that sound, with the focus being on trying to sound like that, rather than HOW that sound is coming, or WHERE from, or WHAT I need to do for it, or WHY, will automatically take the "how/where/what/why" to your subconscious, which is the master at this. This is the easiest and simplest way to correct recitation, and when done properly it works nearly every time الحمد لله.

The above taken from -  The Rightful recital _  Thanks to them<br>

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