
Personal Pronouns ( الضَّمِيرُ - ad-damiiru )

Personal pronouns represent people of things primarily to avoid repetition. I, you, he, she, we etc.


I _ اءَنَا (Ana)

He _ هُوَ. ( Huwa)

You _ اءَنْتَ ( Anta) for male

You All _ اءَنْتُمْ ( Antum )

You _ اءَنتِ ( Anti ) female

She _ 'هِي ( Heya )

They _ هُم ( Hum )

Them _ هِمْ ( Him )

We _ نَحْنُ ( Nahnu )

these come very commonly in Quran ( 1,295 times ) so try to memorise them. 


اءنا بردان - ana bardaan-  I am cold.

 ?اءنتَ بخيز -  anta bi-khayr ? - Are you fine ?

هي الريءسة - hiya r -raisa - she is the director.

S, D, P  - indicate singular, dual and plural.


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