Plural  : Masculine plurals

Forming plurals is not difficult at all. The rule is to add the letters

 و ن (oona)  or ن ي (eena)

S                                   P
   _           مُسْلِم     ( Muslimoona).      مُسْلِميْنَ. (Muslimeena)

مُومِنُوْنَ             _         مُوءْمِن     ( momenoona).      مُوءْمِنِيْنَ (Mommeneena) 

صَابِرُوْنَ            _           صاَبِر    ( saberoona)            صاَبِرِيْنَ   ( sabereena)

The above examples were simple masculine plurals , adding some words at the end makes it plural, e.g cat _ cats, Boy _ boys etc

Complex masculine plural is not adding or removing any letter to make it, it is a completely new word . e.g child - children, Man - Men etc

بيت      _    بُىُت 

كتاب   _     كُتُب 

There are 3 kinds of plural in Arabic Language  which are :

1. Simple Masculine Plural _ add ين  or  ون
2. Feminine plural _ add the suffix  ات  
3. Complex masculine plural _ structure of word changes E.g قلم _ اقللام (Pen _ Pens )

 مسلمة  _  مسلمات ( remove ة and add ات )

 complex plurals have not set rule and need memorising.

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