Possessive Pronouns

Possessive  adjectives/Possessive Pronoun

 Also sometimes interchangeably referred to as Possessive pronouns /connected pronouns as they show onwnership (my, your) in contrast to personal pronouns  like I, you which does not show ownership. 

They are not seperated as they are in English. For example, in English we say “ listen to me “ whereas in Arabic, the word “me “ is attached to the word “ listen “. 

In the example below the arabic word كِتابٌ  meaning a book  has been taken 

another example shown below is with pen قَلَمْ

similarly for ربّ ( My Lord )

ي + ربّ = ربيّ     - My Lord

 ربّ + كَ = - ربُّكا  - your Lord 

try doing it yourself for “ his “and “her” Lord  
Go over these few times and memorise the suffix which remains the same irrespective of the word being used. 

 Demonstrative Pronouns

are pronouns that specific things : This, That, These
see the table below and memorise the singular and dual in both gender, you can leave the dual at this stage. 


هَذا كِتاَبٌ -  Haza kitabun -This is a book

ذالِكَ نجْمً - Zalika najmun -That is a star


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