Prepositions حَرْفُ الْجَرّ (harful-jarr)

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence. They are normally placed directly in front of nouns.

e.g   in, from, to, for, with

 The teacher     is       in         the class

 here “in” is the preposition.

some rules regarding preposition

1.  A preposition always comes before a noun and it does not come before a verb.

  2. The noun following the preposition is changed from nominative  case to genitive case. This means that the last letter of the word will be changed from a damma to a kasrah.
 3. We know that most nouns in Arabic can have any of the three vowel marks. e.g “ the class”can be : اَلْفصْلُ  (al faslu), اَلْفصْلَ (al fasla), اَلْفَصْلِ (al fasli) with no change in meaning. But after a preposition the noun carries a kasrah in the end.

4.  The above sentence “ The teacher is in the class “ is to be translated as : اَلمُدَرِّسُ فِي الفَصْلِ    ( al mudarrasu fi al fasli). Therefore the noun coming after the preposition gets kasrah as ending.

e.g.         الْبَيْتُ    al-baytu         The House
            في الْبَيْتٍ  fi-lbaytin     In the house 
The Last letter of the noun that comes after the preposition is in kasrah. 
 some common preposition  in the Quran.

1. ' عَلَى   alaa  - means “ ON “

  ِالكِتابُ َعاى المكتب     Al-kitaabu ala-l maktabi      The book is in on the desk

2. مـِنْ  min   - means “ FROM “ 

مِنْ بَىْتٍ.  min baitun - from a house

3. 'اءِلَى - ilaa - means “ TO “

 إِِلَى 'الْبِىْتِ.  - ilal bayti - To the house

4.  فيِ - fi- means “ IN”

الماءُفي الكاَس - al-maufi l-kas - The water is in the glass. 

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