
Past tense verb forms.

studying how words change forms and meanings

is writing
will write
was Written


فَعَلَ    _   he did

فـَعَلَتْ  _  she did

فَعَلُوا   _   they did

فَعَلْتَ   _  you did     

Mnemonic (past tense verb sing )

فَتَحَ. _ to open 

something is added to the end (suffix)

 فَتَحتُ   _    Fatahtu    _        I  opened      ( tu)
 فَتَحت   _    Fatahta    _        you opened  (ta)
 فَتَحَتِ  _     Fatahti     _       you opened    (ti)
 فآتَحَ    _     Fataha      _       He opened      (ha)
 فَتَحَت  _     Fatahat    _        She opened     (hat)


Present Tense Verb

something is added to the beginning (prefix) 

 افتحُ     Aftahu             I open     ( Af)
تَفتَحُ     Taftahu            you open (Taf)
تَفتَحِينَ  Taftaheena     you open (f) (Taf_eena)
يَفتَحُ      yaftahu            he opens ( yaf)
تَفتَحُ      Taftahu            She opens ( Taf )

similar example with فَعَل -  To do is presented below You can see the pattern as similar prefixes are used.

Try to remember the pattern. 


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