Building blocks of a language/parts of a sentence

Noun : a word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance, or quality. E.g dog, man, poverty, table.

Verb: a word or phrase that describes an action, condition, or experience, e.g run, look and feel.

Adjective: a word that describes a noun e.g big, boring, red, small.

can you tell which of the below are noun, adjective and verb ? 

It is important to understand basics of English grammer in order to understand Arabic grammer and language if you are a english speaker and understand the language. The basic terms like noun, verb, tenses etc are used in both languages. 
In Arabic language Noun, pronoun, adjective which are different entity in English  are  classed under Noun and is called اِسمٌ (Ismun or Ism ), verb is called فِعلٌ ( faelun) and Conjunction, Preposition are called Particle حَرْفٌة ( harfun).

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